A newborn shadow box is a wonderful way to display baby treasures like the hospital ID bracelet, birth announcement, going-home outfit and first hat. A baby shadow box is quick to DIY (just three steps!) and makes a special addition to your nursery. You’ll never forget just how teeny your baby was and how excited you were about their arrival.

Step 1: Gather Your Keepsakes
First, figure out what you'd like to display. Some baby shadow box ideas: a sonogram, baby's first photo, the hospital ID bracelet, the hat they wore in the hospital, first socks or booties, baby's going-home outfit, the first pacifier, birth announcement, tiny footprints, crib shoes, or a piece of a beloved swaddling blanket.

Step 2: Buy the Supplies
Head to your favorite craft store (or jump on Amazon) to pick up items for your keepsake shadow box. First, you'll need the shadow box itself. We like the Studio Decor 4-Way Adjustable Shadow Box because it's flexible in its depth so it can accommodate larger items like crib shoes or lovies. It's also sized well for this project at 12 inches square.
You may also want to include small wooden letters for your baby's initials. To add color or a pattern, use scrapbooking paper for your background.
And finally, you'll need something to hold your keepsakes in place inside the shadow box. Try a few pretty pearlized pins or mini clothespins so you don't have to cover your keepsakes in glue.

Step 3: Put It Together
Once you have everything in front of you, it's time to create your baby shadow box. Start by lining your shadow box with scrapbook paper. Next, place your keepsakes on the board, collage style, including any initials or letters you'd like to include. When you have an arrangement you like, pin it into place.
Once you're done, hang it in your baby's nursery, on a family photo wall or place in a bookcase where you can pause to treasure those first memories of your newborn.
—Julie Seguss
Take Your Baby Memory Book to the Next Level