Cardboard Mountain Ski Craft

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Create this mini snowscape with easy to find crafting supplies.

When the weather isn’t cooperating for a perfect bluebird day, you can still have ski fun. Create this mini snowscape. You can do this craft one-on-one ski craft with your child or with a group of kids. It's a great to recycle materials and get crafty.

Related: Cardboard ski craft for kids

Ski Craft Materials

  • craft sticks (2 per child)
  • toothpicks (2 per child)
  • a picture (1 of each child)
  • construction paper
  • foam brush
  • acrylic paint
  • glue stick
  • tape
  • scissors

Cardboard Mountain Ski Craft Instructions

Step One. Take a photo of your child wearing snow clothes with his arms stretched out like an airplane. Print the photo at home or at a photo center. Cut the picture of your child out making certain there is no background showing.

Step Two. Set up your child's workstation to paint the craft sticks. I set out a paper plate with the craft sticks, a squirt of paint and a foam brush. I have also used paper bags and butcher paper to cover a work area. Have your child paint the sticks.

Step Three. After the sticks have dried, have your child fold the feet of his picture and glue the feet onto the middle of the sticks.

Step Four. Have your child fold each hand over a toothpick, glue the hands and press firmly over the toothpick. You can even secure it with tape.

Step Five. If your child is like mine and didn't wear shoes in the picture, cut little semi circles out of construction paper to glue over his feet. I even made little mittens to match to glue on the hands. Your child is now a little skier.

Add a looped piece of ribbon to the back of the head of the photo to hang. If it's to remember a fun ski trip, add the date to the back of the craft as a keepsake.

Created by: Ludavia Harvey


  1. Rent your skis from Ski Butler
  2. Listen to the Ski Moms Fun Podcast
  3. 12 Ways to Recycle and Resell Old Ski Gear


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