While tying up the tomatoes I thought of Mom. It didn't matter who brought her home grown tomatoes, she always told me that my tomatoes tasted the absolute best.
Also, bandaids and travel toilet paper brought Mom to my mind. While cleaning her house, she had a good supply of travel toilet paper and bandaids. I didn't think I would need them, but lately....found myself in a bathroom stall in a store and no toilet paper, and scratched the heck out of my arm removing hay from upstairs and have no bandaids. I'm heading to the camper this morning in hopes to find more bandaids.
I don't want to waste gas for just one thing today, so I surely hope I find extras out there. I have a travel tote we use when we go on car trips and camping trips, but I have yet to find it in this maze of a mess house right now.
In regards to the entire bale of hay I found upstairs, Daughter K left it in a tote. When I inquired on the oddity of it, she said she "left it because Rosemary (her rabbit) didn't like it". Sigh....why an entire bale? I have no idea. Kids!
Daughter K called. She wanted some zucchini. Mom used to fry her sliced zucchini when they stayed over as kids. Heck, she used to make it for us as kids. So good too.
While cleaning green beans I thought of Dad. He always told me I snapped the beans too big. He said I needed to snap them in smaller bite size pieces. Guess who snaps them in smaller pieces to this day? Yep. Me.
While searching for a new crochet pattern, I thought of Mom. She was the one who always gave me an idea that ended up selling very well at craft shows. The last item she asked me to make was the jar openers, and the first dozen sold completely. I've since then made more, and have them for sale now at the museum gift shop.