Countdown to Back to School Bingo

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In just 8 days, the Dover Public Library is hosting its second ever Back to School Bingo event!

Saturday, August 21st at 2:00 PM, tweens and teens ages 10 and up are invited to come to the Community Room to play and win school supplies! This event is sponsored by a 21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant with Dover High School.

This year, we have 12 awesome surprise boxes of school supplies to give away! Each box has a different theme like art, science, or math, and is packed with school supplies!

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside:

Participants will only be able to win one of the surprise boxes. If players just can’t stop winning, they’ll be able to pick additional prizes from the Random Prize Box. Additionally, any participants not in the age range 10-18 (or Senior in High School) will be permitted to play for prizes from the Random Prize Box, so parents and younger siblings are welcome to join in!

Following the game, participants will have the opportunity to make a magnetic picture from for their lockers! If unable to stay for the craft, kits will be available to take home instead.

Registration is not required for this event!

I hope you can join us for a fun afternoon of games and crafts as we get ready for a great school year together!

-Liz Strauss, Teen/Outreach Services Manager