Creating a Bible village

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Recently I’ve been working on a new Bible lesson. As part of that, I wanted a small printable Bible village I could use with my various projects, so I set out making some printable Bible buildings I can use and re-use for all of the various different projects I have in mind.

Printable Bible village

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Creating my printable Bible village

I sat there drawing all of these buildings and coloring them on my iPad as we watched TV, traveled, and generally in various bits and pieces of downtime.

Then I printed it all off, and started putting it together.

putting together the printable bible village

I grabbed myself a cup of tea and started taping them while listening to podcasts. After putting together the first set I realized it would make so much more sense to put it together after laminating it.

While I could glue them together, I’m intending to put these together and take them apart over and over again.

The only problem is if you are planning to do that over and over again, as you peel the tape off, you’ll also peel off the printing, and that kind of defeats the point of using tape to put together my printable Bible village.

temple Bible sensory bin

So I took a few pictures of the first round for the first idea I had, and then I took it apart. I headed off to Mardel, laminated the printable Bible buildings, went home, and cut them out.

all my supplies for my printable bible village

I then sat down again with another cuppa tea, and more tape, this time I used a normal roll of scotch tape having dug it out of a different location of craft supplies.

I then spent about 10-15 minutes folding, taping, and generally putting together my little printable Bible village.

I figured out I can put together the printable 3-D Bible buildings with 2 pieces of tape. Now if I had a bunch of young kids playing with my printable Bible village, I would probably put a whole lot more tape to hold it together, but for my pictures, and props, my buildings don’t need to be that sturdy.

Putting together a Bible village

print and play Bible buildings

I set out my printable Bible village and then put out some of my Bible finger puppets. I grabbed some plastic trees from my animal bucket set (I like this set because the bucket set it came in is nice and sturdy, so I didn’t have to use another of my Parmesan containers [not the product I use, but that’s the shape and size of it], we might go through a lot of Parmesan to store it in), and some green pom-poms (they look like great bushes).

Thinking about it after the fact, if I’d grabbed a yard or so of green fabric or brown fabric that could make a nice little background for the various different projects. I wish I’d done that for these pictures because it would have made my printable Bible village look really cool.

Printable Bible village Bible tools

So, that’s my Printable Bible village, I’m looking forward to all the ways I can use this. For sure I’ll be using this in my upcoming Jesus at the temple unit.

More cool Bible posts

The post Creating a Bible village appeared first on Adventures in a Messy Life.