Five Reasons You Should Join HEAV Today

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Homeschoolers are a pretty diverse crowd. Families come from all walks of life and choose home education for various reasons. One thing many, if not all, of us have in common is the desire to provide the best possible education for our children. But there is something else homeschool families across the Commonwealth should have in common: membership with the Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV).

1 – Stay informed of anything that may impact your homeschool life.
Now more than ever, we must remain vigilant of our hard-won homeschool rights. As HEAV monitors school boards and legislation, our members are the first to know when issues arise that may impact you.

2 – Take advantage of valuable discounts and free classes.
Use your HEAV membership card! Show it at many museums and retail stores–office supply stores, book stores, craft stores, warehouse stores, etc.–that offer educator discounts. Your annual membership supports the work of HEAV throughout the year as we promote, protect, and support homeschooling by providing such things as magazines and newsletters, a website, and year-round counseling services. You receive many other benefits such as discounts on HEAV resources, events, seminars, and the annual convention, just to name a few.

3 – Call on 38 years of experience.
Our members know who to call upon when they have questions or concerns. With 38+ years of experience, HEAV is ready to answer our members’ phone calls and emails. And we know how hard (and lonely) this journey can feel. We encourage our members by helping them connect with other families through local support groups and gatherings.

4 – First access!
HEAV members are first to register for the graduation, Day at the Capitol, and other events. Save during the three-day member-only convention registration and gain early access to the humongous used curriculum sale.

5 – Standing with HEAV, numbers matter…

HEAV is your voice in the legislature, providing up-to-date information and knowledgeable representation at the General Assembly and the Department of Education. By standing with us as a member, you join forces with other families in the homeschool community. Those numbers make a difference when state and local legislators consider issues that may impact home education.

Joining HEAV is easy–and it’s just $45 a year for a Freedom Friend membership!

You can even upgrade for additional benefits–choose what best suits you and your family!

FREE when you Join or Renew

New FREE Member Benefit: Mineral Mayhem
Inspired by one of our most popular classes! Learn all about minerals in this five-part geology class with creation geologist Dr. Marcus Ross starting January 24.

FREE for joining or renewing members!

8 Great Smarts for Kids online class by Dr. Kathy Koch (Celebrate Kids)
This new member benefit is for you AND your kids!
Thousands of parents have found hope and help in Dr. Kathy Koch’s flagship book, 8 Great Smarts.

Now, her newly released 8 Great Smarts for Kids course (regular price $49) offers even more help for the parent who asks, “Can you just talk to my kids and tell them they are smart?”

The post Five Reasons You Should Join HEAV Today appeared first on Home Educators Association of Virginia.