Pipe Cleaner Icicles

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Now that the weather is cooling down, it’s the perfect time to enjoy some winter crafts with your little ones.

This Pipe Cleaner Icicles craft made with pipe cleaners and pony beads is a great way to get your preschoolers involved in some creative fun.

It’s also a great opportunity for them to practice their fine motor skills. So grab some supplies and get ready to have some fun!

Snowflake Popsicle Stick Craft

Snowflake Sensory Bottle

Snowflake Coloring Pages

Snowflake Activities for Preschoolers

Pipe Cleaner Icicles



Bend the end of the pipe cleaner slightly. (This will help the beads to stay on the pipe cleaner during this activity.) 

Place desired amount and colors of pony beads on the pipe cleaner. Kids can make patterns with their beads. 

When finished, bend the other end of the pipe cleaner slightly. 

Wrap the finished pipe cleaner with beads around the pencil to give it a curly shape. Remove the pencil. 


Repeat this process for the remainder of the icicles. 

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