The rosy list #9

Posted by admin on

Hello from winter break! My feet are propped up, the Coldplay documentary is playing in the background, and our dog is laying by my side. Plus it's 9:59 p.m. and I'm not asleep yet! Woo! Living the dream. :) 

If you follow my Instagram then you saw the miraculous return of my camera! I accidentally dropped it on Thanksgiving Day and have been slugging along without it.  I mean I've still been snapping moments of joy with my phone but it just hasn't been the same at all.  On my Nikon, when I would try to take a picture I would just get black on the screen. But fast forward to this week, when I finally made myself sit down to fill out the report for Nikon in order to mail the camera in.  I turned my Nikon on to take one more broken shot and accurately describe what was happening and gasp! The camera was working again.  I really don't understand it or why or how, but am THRILLED.  
It's been unseasonably warm and this summer gal (through and through) has been loving it! Winter cold is coming in quick this weekend though.  The turtleneck has been washed, the tea bought, the books stacked.
Speaking of books, I've read two and started a third already on this break. 
I completed The Last Thing He Told Me and Crying in H-Mart and I've now started the book on the right above, Here in the Real World by Sara Pennypacker.  

The book on the left I also highly recommend.  It's called The Tiny Mess and is about tiny kitchens and the incredible food people cook there.  Kitchens in airstreams, tiny homes, camper vans, and houseboats. There's something in the last six months or so that has totally captured my attention and imagination and that's hiking, cooking outdoors, using things from the wild to heal and cook with, string lights, fire pits, wildflowers, gardens and the gathering they produce, wandering and wondering. This book captures much of that.  So does my favorite show, The Lost Kitchen on Discovery Network.

I find our little indoor nursery relaxing.
Rain on a morning that we get to be home is so incredibly relaxing. 

I simplified the dining room shelves big time and they just make me feel such peace each time I look at them. I always pile on the color and decor for Christmas and then the day after cannot wait to start with a clean, minimalist slate. Well, more minimalist for me at least. 

I was very intentional about picking some cards that I'd like to focus on for the new year. 
This sky! I was about to head up to the treadmill and saw this through the window and it completely stopped me in my tracks.  Of course I had to turn right around and grab my camera. 
She's been stumping me with these riddles.
Writing Christmas thank-you notes together at the dining room table.
Scenes from my craft room.  One of the girls has enjoyed putting a movie on in there and holing up with craft supplies. 
Drinking probably too much coffee lately. 
Encanto movie night! 

I still adore everything pinned to this bulletin board.  I made it as my vision board a very long time ago and still it rings true. Also, that light!
He had a birthday!
One morning on the way to school. It looked just like winter/Christmas!
Sweet, colorful note for her teacher.
Eating a burned molasses cookie and telling Brett how I like to ask kids to review books in the library by giving them two thumbs up, down, or something in between.  I always say I welcome all opinions! 

We went on a new hike the first day of break and it was SUCH a treat!

We were at Round Top Mountain Loop, near Jasper. 

Afterwards we ate at Low Gap.
Catfish and hushpuppies for me-yum!

I made homemade Chex Mix, a yearly tradition.  I baked and cooked SO much the days around Christmas.  
Been doing this a LOT over the break-journaling and coffee. 

Jammies from Brett. :) 

More pics from our Round Top Mountain hike. There was a WWII bomber crash site.

Enjoying the extra time with Brett!

Gluten free cinnamon rolls and frittata on Christmas Eve! Both were delicious! 

Brainteasers and a halo of light.
New, VERY fun game.
My sisters and I! 
The whole crew together at last! 
My dad has an excellent sense of humor. 
More food! I have enjoyed all the delicious food over the break so very much.
Daddy made us these gorgeous ladders to hang our quilts on and we all got tickled when I picked mine up because it looked like I was going to work in my coveralls. 
Hi Papaw! He was enjoying people playing the piano in front of him. 
Sweet Grandma and I.

I made this for Christmas dinner and it was so good I've actually made it another time since. 

Comfy and extra wiggle room for all the yummy food. :) 
Holding hands. :) 
This is the ladder my dad made with a quilt from my mom on it. Isn't it pretty?
More books, coffee, and relaxing. Are you noticing a theme here? I'd better soak it up because there's just a few days of break left. 
I taped some favorite NYC photos up on the fridge. Forever missing that city.  I've said it before and it will always mystify me how I can truly adore this city but also dream of a little cabin on the Buffalo River too. 

A couple of days I dumped some tuna in with other yummy stuff and called it lunch.

Been really wearing out this Mary Kay pink lipstick!  I'm hoping I won't need to wear a mask to work after the break and I can get back to makeup and lipstick. Small details, but ones that fill my routine with joy.

My sweet mom-in-law got me this animal print shirt for Christmas and I like it a lot!
This day was tuna, pickled red onion, kimchi, and an Asian sauce Brett made.

Finally got my official diploma in the mail.

This is probably the best dairy-free ice-cream we've ever had. 
I thrifted this striped cardigan, not quite knowing what I would wear it with but I really like it a lot. 
We saw a rainbow for just a couple of seconds today!
This book looks so fun.

YES.  Going into the new year with this-"Don't overlook the bright side". 

We've had/have some very tough stuff we're dealing with over here.  Heavy, sad, heartbreaking things.  So this quote about not overlooking the bright side spoke deeply to me.  Sometimes, there's no bright side other than the bright love and community you look beside you and see. And that is a lot, really.

I couldn't tell if these leggings matched this outfit but then decided to just go for it anyway. 

We've been knocking out appointments left and right this week, seen family galore, have been reading and resting, and eating.  My back has desperately needed adjusted but the chiropractor has been closed this week.  So to help with the pain I've been taking Shepherd's Purse and Passionflower tinctures and WOW! They truly help so, so much.  I tend to hold sadness/stress in a certain spot in my body and sometimes it catches up to me. 

Can any other highly sensitive people relate? 

Do you make goals for the new year? I have two goals/inspirations/dreams and that's it.  Not ready to share them, but they're there, popping up in my life repeatedly. 

I hope you have time to sit with your coffee/tea, journal, and thoughts. 
Take care of yourself, k?