Creating systems that cater to the organizing styles of your clients is a huge part of your role as a professional organizer

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But when you need to develop a system that will work for a couple, a family, or a business team, that’s when things get really interesting!

For this month’s Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, I invited my readers to share their blog posts about Organizing Shared Spaces. You’re sure to find something here to help with that next tricky situation – maybe even in your own home or workplace.

As you read the various posts, take a moment to leave some comments and to share your favorites with your network. Please use the hashtag #POBC when you talk about the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival on social media.


Adele Lapointe
Sharing A Bedroom When Opposites Attract

Cathy Borg
How to Share the Bathroom and Keep Peace in the Home! 6 Strategies to stay sane.

Debbie Rosemont
Make Your Personal Organizing Style Work

Hazel Thornton
10 Ways to Trick your Family into Being Organized

Hellen Buttigieg
How to Organize The Messy People in Your Life

Janet Schiesl
Compromising Couples

Julie Stobbe
Guide to merging two homes into one

Liana George
5 Questions That Reveal Your Roommate's Organizing Style

Lisa Griffith
Organizing in Difficult Relationships

Nancy Haworth
7 Tips for Sharing a Closet

Olive Wagar
How to have a Five-Star Supply Room

Phaedra Studt
How to Deal with an Unorganized Partner

Sabrina Quairoli
Things to Label in a Well Organized Home

Sheri Steed
Declutter Your Home: 10 Strategies for Winning Your Family's Support in the War on Clutter


Thank you to everyone who participated!

I’m now accepting submissions for next month’s Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, when the topic will be Organizing Myths. You have until 12 midnight EST on Tuesday, March 16 to make your submission.

The post Organizing Shared Spaces – Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival appeared first on Your Organizing Business.

#OrganizingStyle #Productivity&OrganizingBlogCarnival(formerlyProfessionalOrganizersBlogCarnival)
POBC OrganizingStyle Productivity