News — COVID
Last week, Rob asked what you all are building these days while we’re hunkered down and getting through these quarantined times
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Many of you have answered his call for projects — thank you! Have a gander at what your fellow woodworkers are up to while they practice social distancing and stay well. – Editor In the midst of grocery stocking and shopping empty store shelves, I decided to increase the capacity of our small pantry. I had some leftover boards from the original 1956 site-built kitchen cabinets in our home that I had been saving for the right project, so I decided to build a door-hung pantry rack. The outer frame is joined with hand-cut dovetails while the shelves are installed...
It’s taken me 2 weeks to write about this — not because I didn’t want to — but because I didn’t feel ready to.
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For Harry Potter fans, coronavirus has felt like Voldemort to my mind. Writing about the virus that I wish didn’t have to be named has taken me lots of mental and emotional processing time. And perhaps you can relate. It went from being insidious to pandemic within weeks. Suddenly my daughter’s school was canceled “indefinitely.” My heart lept into my throat when I read the school district’s email. I was moving into my new therapy office that day. I brought Clorox wipes with me and cautiously wrapped the wipe around the door handle as I walked into my new space....