...5.12...What I Ate in a Day...as a Vegan...

Posted by admin on

...first breakfast (ref: The Office...Pam's pregnancy)...was a grapefruit..which I just peeled and ate out of hand...

...have y'all ever seen this before...I have not...
...somehow the grapefruit seed sprouted inside the fruit...which by itself is not all that surprising...I've seen it in green peppers a lot...and a few times in tomatoes...
...but what is really interesting is that it's green...which I would not have expected at all...this fruit was in a bowl on the counter well away from the window...so how is it green...

...anywhoo...it did not stop me from eating the fruit...haha...
...and then second breakfast...was some homemade bread toast and Earth Balance and blackberry jam...there was only maybe a half hour between first breakfast and second breakfast...haha...
...lunch was a delicious bowl of the Mother's Day Tom Yum soup...just added some leftover noodles...
...and then for dinner...the Man made eggplant parmesan...a slightly different version to mine...
...but so delicious and sliceable and pretty...having been baked in the lasagna pan...genius...
...after dinner/bedtime snack...a bowl of "Daddy's" cereal...
...aka...Cheerios and bananas...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!


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