7 Things We Celebrated in October

Posted by Admin on

This month was a busy one for the Petes! We had lots of big things to celebrate, and has honestly probably been my favorite month of 2019.  Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and settle in while I share what we’ve been up to the past 31 days!

Copy of halliwell studio

What We Did

+ This month, we announced to the world that A) We’re pregnant! and B) It’s a girl!

+ We celebrated the wedding/vow renewal of our friend Tommy and his beautiful wife, Sarah! The ceremony was outside and the scenery was gorgeous!


+ My Mom’s birthday was October 13th, and to celebrate we had dinner at my Grandparents’ house. I ate my weight in lasagna and chocolate chip cheesecake (I tried a new recipe, and everyone loved it!) and here’s the post-meal bump to prove it!


+ October 15th was National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. While I feel incredibly blessed and thankful for our miracle baby, I still often catch myself wondering “what could’ve been,” and I’m realizing that it’s entirely possible to be happy about the baby in my belly while simultaneously sad about the babies we lost.

Julie, the author of Peanut Butter Fingers blog explained it best.  She’s a mom of two adorable boys, but just endured her third miscarriage. She wrote the most beautiful, heartwrenching and raw post about pregnancy loss and I absolutely had to share it. What spoke to me the most is when she references the moments just before her D&Cs, because it instantly brought me back that dreaded 9th floor Triage room with “D&C Recovery” stamped on the front.  I hated every moment that I was there, and it truly felt like a reoccurring nightmare. I started this blog 2 years ago as a creative outlet with hopes of someday sharing and documenting my pregnancy journey. I had no idea then, just how curvy of a journey that would be. I’m so thankful for Julie and the other women I’ve stumbled across who have spoken out about their heartbreaking losses, and have inspired and given me the courage to do the same. 


+ On October 26th, the President of the company that I work for was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Spirit of Construction Gala.  All of us in the office got dolled up for the awards ceremony. It was a fun night, I only wish I could have enjoyed the champagne! ;-)

Spirit of Construction

They had a professional photographer taking your photo as you walked in to the event.

+ October 27th was Rudy’s Birthday! I simply cannot believe my first baby is ELEVEN!  I made him a vanilla ice cream sundae with whipped cream and sprinkles, which he devoured.


+ We kicked off Halloween with an ultrasound appointment to check out all of baby girl’s anatomy (Details to come in the next pregnancy update post). I borrowed this adorable shirt from my cousin and sported it for Halloween night. For dinner, I got to indulge in my #1 pregnancy craving, grilled cheese, before we passed out candy to the neighborhood kiddos.

We had a quick little family Halloween photo shoot:


Cincinnati temps were in the 30’s with 30 mph winds – it was miserable! I felt even worse for the parents with little trick-or-treaters. Even bundled up with my winter coat, scarf, blanket, and Rudy on my lap, I lasted about 40 minutes before giving up and going inside and indulging in hot chocolate. Thanks, husband for holding it down the rest of the night! ;-)


And that wraps up our October! Leave a comment below, or drop me a line on social media and let me know what you were up to in October!

What I’m looking forward to in November:

  • Celebrating Thanksgiving in Chicago
  • Shopping for baby girl & working on her nursery!


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