Hello and happy Monday from a quiet house! The kids have a camp they are doing this week and being here with just Finley is quite an odd feeling. I’m so accustomed to being around my people that it feels weird to have an extended number of hours to do things by myself. While I wouldn’t change our set up, I’m not hating having a few consecutive hours of quiet to myself. So this is how people can be productive
Let’s back up for a minute. How was your weekend? We spent ours down in Georgia with my family and it was a ball. There was no agenda, just enjoying summer things together which looked like a lot of walks, boating and tubing, fishing, swimming, and eating.
Mom surprised all the kids with some spending cash for our upcoming Maine family adventure and they lost their minds. It was such a joyous moment and the kids were so grateful they put together a whole scavenger hunt of clues for Nana, with an original colored picture and poem with each discovered clue to thank her. A happy memory!

Mom’s generosity extended further and she sent me home with a lasagna from her freezer so I didn’t have to worry about cooking something when we got home Sunday night. And thank goodness for that because we were fed well while I had time to focus on laundry and camp/swim meet prep.
I plan on using the hours this week in a few ways:
- Mapping out details for what we want to do/eat in both Boston and in Bar Harbor, plus which trails we want to hike in Acadia.
- Working on some future blog posts and a loose content calendar.
- Reading through new curriculum so I will feel ready to hit the ground running. We aren’t beginning our year until August 1, but with the traveling we have planned for July, I’d like to get a head start.
Today has mostly been about getting through laundry and setting up for the week and I’m sipping a small iced coffee now because I’ve been up since 3:15 because Finley threw up again. It appears to be BVS, which according to the vet means she needs a larger night time meal, or to offer more frequent meals, so I’ll be doing that and hoping to sleep through the night tonight.
We have friends coming in town this weekend, so I meal planned for both the week and the celebratory July 4th weekend. After dropping the girls at camp I went grocery shopping and stocked the fridge. I walk/jogged 3.5 miles with Finley, ate lunch, and hope to finish a few house chores before picking up the kids early for the last swim meet of the season.

I’m giving myself a bit of a break on sharing weekly meal plans and tracking grocery hauls, though I plan to get back to that in August when we are back on a more regular schedule.
Now, to tie things up in a random way- a few podcasts I’ve listened to and enjoyed recently:
- Wellness Mama: Dr. Alan Christianson on Hormone Health & Foods That Are More Powerful than Prescriptions
- Jordan B. Peterson: Quest, Responsibility, and Vision: The Wonder School with Zach Lahn
- Healthy in Real Life: Tongue Posture & Nasal Breathing with Ashley Palin
- Back to the Beach: Season 2: Total guilty pleasure, but what can I say, I loved Laguna Beach back in the day.
Do you have any podcast recs? I’d love some new ones to try! Hope you have a fabulous day