Gardening in Coastal Maine – Planting Zone 6a – Early August

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I went out to take some photos of the garden and boy is it muggy here in Maine this morning! The vegetables sure like the high humidity though, that’s for sure. 

Everything in the kitchen garden is doing well and as soon as the cucumbers are done, I’ll be ready to get the broccoli and fall cabbage in the ground.

Speaking of cucumbers, the Boston pickling cucumber plants and going bonkers! This year was sort of a test run to find out if we liked the variety {we do!} and to see how well they’d perform. 

Next year though I think I’ll plant at least 24-36 starts so I’ll have enough to can pickles for the pantry shelves rather than make refrigerator pickles.

The pole beans I planted along the picket fence {and the ones down in the religious family garden} are coming in nicely too. I plan on blanching another batch today to tuck into the freezer for later this winter. 

Yesterday’s harvest. 🙂 

The tomatoes are starting to roll in. Too many to eat fresh and not enough to can so I’ve been dehydrating the extra ones to pop into soups this winter.

I keep forgetting to tell you about my little patio garden I have out back. 

After we planted the fruit trees out in the field, I filled them with soil and planted 2 of the pots with zucchini and the other 2 with tomato plants. {I also started a couple of flats of chives too}. 

Last night I was able to harvest 2 zucchinis from the back patio. How cool is that? 🙂 

No tomatoes yet. But soon. 

And last week someone asked how my lasagna garden was doing so I thought I’d give an update. This is the lasagna garden that I started last summer. 

I put down a layer of cardboard and then throughout the summer added layers of grass, wood chips and then topped it off with last summer’s garden compost. 

The HH made fun of my little lasagna garden and kept telling me how awful it looked from the road. But the joke was on him because my goofy little lasagna garden has the BIGGEST vegetables of all. HA HA HA! Take that HH. 🙂

The only problem of course is that there isn’t a fence around it so Bambi is using it as his own personal supermarket. If you look closely you can see he ate nearly all of the tops off my sunflowers.

And almost all the beans I had growing up the teepees. But hey, apparently he doesn’t like pumpkin plants or tomatoes… yet. Maybe he’s just pacing himself?

Talk about what a difference good soil makes.

The lasagna garden is on the right and the soil the HH simply turned over this spring is on the left. Can you see the difference? {I know I can!} 🙂 

So clearly, we’ll be amending the soil this fall once we get everything harvested. That is, if Bambi doesn’t get to it first. 

Gardening, every year is a little different. 

And I kind of like that. 


P.S. How is YOUR garden doing these days? Are you managing to keep the critters out? 



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