Make-Ahead Recipes to Serve Holiday Guests

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If you’re hosting guests for the holidays, I suggest making some of these Make-Ahead Recipes to make your time together more enjoyable!

Any time I’m hosting company for any occasion – but especially during holiday time – I like to have meals, snacks, and desserts prepared ahead of time if possible. This way I can enjoy visiting with our guests without spending much time in the kitchen. (I don’t do a great job of talking and cooking at the same time, oy!)

Here are some of my favorite recipes to make ahead and serve guests who are visiting:

Make-Ahead Recipes to Serve Holiday Guests

Main Dishes



Breakfast Foods

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, here are recipes to make your entire traditional Holiday Dinner ahead of time. I do it this way every year:

What do you like to make-ahead to serve to guests?

The post Make-Ahead Recipes to Serve Holiday Guests appeared first on Heavenly Homemakers.


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