My Big List of Goals I’m Going to Accomplish in 2022 Week 17 of 52

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Here’s my big list of things I want to accomplish in 2022:

Remodel The Kitchen

Who needs cabinets when you’ve got a bench, right? I can’t wait until the kitchen remodel is over! The next project is to remove the old wooden backsplash and repair that area and then replace the front window {both projects for the HH}. 

Sell Enough Rugs to Buy an AGA Stove {$12,137.85 of $22,000 earned so far}

The AGA has been ordered {we put 1/2 down when we placed the order} and it should be here later this summer. And while I didn’t sell any new pieces this past week, so far I have about 55% of the stove paid for. I’ll be adding more pieces to my Etsy shop on May 14th. 

Fill the Canning Cupboard 

Although the canning cupboard is in place, the rest of the house is still a mess. 😉

So far this year I have canned:

Earn Enough Money Selling {?????} To Pay For Our 2022 Grocery Tab By The End Of The Year.

With the house a total mess, I think I’ll just have to wait until things calm down again because I don’t even know where my boxes of driftwood are now. 

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.

I don’t even care what I eat right now. 

Keep The Crafts… In The Craft Room.

The crafts may be out of the dining room but now it’s filled with random bits from the guest room and closets as I’ll be  working on painting those spaces next.  But hey, I am LOVING the lighter colored floors! They’re so pretty, I don’t know if I want to put a rug under the table anymore. 

Tap Our 2 Maple Trees and Make Maple Syrup {DONE}

We boiled down our 10+ gallons of sap this past week and ended up with a little over a quart of maple syrup. I told the HH we should have a pancake party to celebrate. 

It was a good experience, and we’re going to do it again next year {although I would like to find a few more trees to tap so our yield is a bit higher}. 

Make a Quilt Top

I made zero progress on my quilt top this past week. The craft room is still a bit of a mess but I should have it all sorted in another day or two so I can get back to dyeing wool and working on kits again. 

Be More Intentional With My Time

The daffodils are still blooming here in Maine and I spotted some tiny buds on the hydrangeas the other day so that means it’s time to get outside and start working in the yard again. 🙂 

1 Craft / Blog Free Day So far I’m 14 for 17 this year. 

Keep My Husband Busy 

The HH finished sanding and staining the floors last weekend and after the floors had cured, moved everything back into place. And then I decided to re-paint the guest room so he pulled out everything from that room and now it’s sitting in the family room. 🙂 

The weather is supposed to be really nice this week {mid 50’s to 60’s} so I think we’ll be working outside and hopefully get that cluster of pine trees down by the water cut down to open up our corner view a bit more. 

We also ordered a load of garden soil so hopefully that will be delivered on Monday so we can get the fruit trees planted {and blueberry and raspberries planted as well}. 

The HH’s Honey Do List {so far} for 2022

  • Take over cooking {I’ll still do the baking and canning}
  • Cut down the cluster of trees in the backyard
  • Build a new set of stairs down to the water. 
  • Fill the field {with soil} 
  • Remodel 1 bathroom
  • Replace fireplace tile
  • Build window boxes for the front of the house
  • Build an arbor for the wisteria
  • Order 4 cords of firewood by the end of May and stack them in an artful way {like they did in the book Norwegian Wood}.
  • Sand the floors in the entire house DONE
  • Install new garage door openers {new addition}
  • Build a wood shed {new addition}

My House Projects For This Year {so far}

I was planning on painting the blue floor in the guest room white yesterday, but decided to freshen up the walls first so I’ll get the first coat of paint on the floor this morning before we head out to work on outdoor projects. 

If you look closely at the floor you’ll see that it’s about 2/3 pine and 1/3 plywood. We think the one of the previous owners must have needed to do some sort of repair work at one point and needed access underground and instead of fixing the pine floors, they  just threw down some plywood and painted over it.

The long term plan for this room {and my craft space which is currently carpeted} is to have pine floor boards put down and stained so they match the rest of the house. So although painting the floor white is just a temporary fix, I think it will really lighten up the room until we can get around to redoing the floors in those spaces.

  • Finish painting the outside of the house
  • Finish painting the inside of the house {working on it}
  • Make something to hang above our new console table
  • Make it look like people actually live here HA HA HA
  • New window treatment for the kitchen window

Ginger Pear Jam

Try 24 New Recipes {9 down, 15 to go}

So far this year I have shared the following recipes:

Listen to 12 Audiobooks

I finished On Writing by Stephen King and I just started Taste by Stanley Tucci {I’m only about 10 minutes into it}. 

Audiobooks I’ve listened to this year:  

Get a Fishing License and Catch a Fish

But first, we have to get the dinghy in the water {hopefully next weekend?}

My List of Garden Projects For This Year I want to Accomplish

The plan for today is to work in the yard {and garden} and get a few vegetable starts in the ground. As soon as our garden soil gets delivered we’ll plant the trees, bushes, rhubarb and raspberry canes. 🙂 

  • Map out this year’s garden by April 1st – done
  • Plant apple or pear trees
  • Plant raspberry and blueberry bushes – raspberry canes arrived
  • Plant asparagus and rhubarb – arrived
  • Grow 500 pounds of food
  • Expand the lasagna garden
  • Finish clearing the front of the property
  • Get some garden pots for the front an back patio/porches

Create 12 New Rug Hooking Patterns and/or Kits Done! {14 out of 12 finished so far}

Last night I finished hooking a new rug hooking design and I plan to offer it in my next round of Etsy listings on May 14th. It’s a big one, and it took me about 3 weeks to complete and I LOVE how it turned out. 

New Rug Hooking Patterns/Kits For 2022

Have All My 2022 Ornaments Finished by April 1st. Done!

I finished my last batch of garden markers and ornaments and I won’t be making anymore again until next winter. Yee-Haw!

52 Walks {We’ve gone on 9 of 52 so far}

The Girl and I drove out to Bar Harbor and walked around the downtown area a few days ago and the HH and I took Miss Lucy on a long walk the other day so it was a good week for walking. 

Once the weather warms up a bit more I think we might head out on a few new nature trails.

Visit 12 Towns in Maine That I Haven’t Been to Before

So far we have visited the town of Hope, Maine and checked out the General Store there. That’s it! I can’t believe we haven’t done more exploring. I guess we’ve been so busy with home projects that this goal hasn’t been a priority. 

How about YOU? How did you do with working towards your goals for 2022? 



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