My Big List of Goals I’m Going to Accomplish in 2022 Week 24 of 52

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Here’s my big list of things I want to accomplish in 2022:

Remodel The Kitchen

I am starting to get excited about the kitchen remodel! We decided to go with a mix of flat fronts for the drawers and framed fronts for the cabinet doors {similar to the photo above from the Devol studios}. The cabinets won’t likely be installed until September, but now that we’re halfway through June, the wait doesn’t seem so long. 🙂 


Sell Enough Rugs to Buy an AGA Stove {$18,930.05 of $22,000 earned so far}

I sold a few more of my *new* finished pieces my Etsy shop last week and I am happy to report that I am now 86% of the way to my goal!!! Yee-Haw! 

I’ll be adding a few more pieces to my Etsy shop this Saturday {June 25th} at 6pm EST. 

Fill the Canning Cupboard 

Last week I pressure canned Beef Stew as well as made a double batch of jam {I’ll share the jam recipe soon}. 

So far this year I have canned:

Not canned, but in jars:

Earn Enough Money Selling {?????} To Pay For Our 2022 Grocery Tab By The End Of The Year.

I think I’ll just have to wait until things calm down before I list my beach finds. 

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.

I had some delicious cherries this past week. 🙂 

Keep The Crafts… In The Craft Room.

I had another successful week keeping my craft projects out of the dining room. Note to self: Pick a bouquet of peonies for the table.

Tap Our 2 Maple Trees and Make Maple Syrup {DONE}

It was a good experience, and we’re going to do it again next year {although I would like to find a few more trees to tap so our yield is a bit higher}. 

Make a Quilt Top

Maybe this fall? 

Be More Intentional With My Time

It was another great week here in Maine. 🙂 Any day you can be out on the water is a good day in my book. 

1 Craft / Blog Free Day {I’ve had 21 craft/blog free days this year so far.}

Keep My Husband Busy 

He mowed, got rid of all the garden soil, prepped a few areas for new grass seed, made some garden stakes, built some ridiculously large teepees and he even helped me haul a few loads of seaweed up the hill to the garden. What a keeper that one! 🙂

The HH’s Honey Do List {so far} for 2022

  • Take over cooking {I’ll still do the baking and canning}
  • Cut down the cluster of trees in the backyard DONE
  • Build a new set of stairs down to the water. 
  • Fill the field {with soil} DONE
  • Remodel 1 bathroom
  • Replace fireplace tile
  • Build window boxes for the front of the house
  • Build an arbor for the wisteria {We decided to move the wisteria to another location instead}
  • Order 4 cords of firewood by the end of May and stack them in an artful way {like they did in the book Norwegian Wood}.
  • Sand the floors in the entire house DONE
  • Install new garage door openers {new addition}
  • Build a wood shed {new addition}

My House Projects For This Year {so far}

Painting the back of the house is next on my list. I started late last summer with the barn and got the front of the house, 1 side and part of the back done… Now it’s time to finish up the rest. 

Things I need to get done this year:

  • Finish painting the outside of the house
  • Finish painting the inside of the house {working on it}
  • Make something to hang above our new console table
  • Make it look like people actually live here HA HA HA
  • New window treatment for the kitchen window

Try 24 New Recipes {12 down, 12 to go}

Still no oven… but I share a new recipe this past week.

So far this year I have shared the following recipes:

Listen to 12 Audiobooks {11/12 so far}

No new audiobooks this past week but a back issue of Maine Home Design in on my nightstand. 

Audiobooks I’ve listened to this year:  

Get a Fishing License and Catch a Fish

But first, we have to get the dinghy in the water.

HH if you are reading this HURRY UP and get us some fishing poles!!!

My List of Garden Projects For This Year I want to Accomplish

  • Map out this year’s garden by April 1stdone
  • Plant apple or pear treesdone
  • Plant raspberry and blueberry bushes 
  • Plant asparagus and rhubarb – 
  • Grow 500 pounds of food
  • Expand the lasagna garden We created a new garden plot instead
  • Finish clearing the front of the property
  • Get some garden pots for the front an back patio/porches

It seems like all the “major” projects are done. All that’s really left to do is to continue working in the garden and try to keep the weeds at bay. This past week I planted beans and squash in the garden and started some more basil and chives in trays. 

Next, I think I’ll get some more cabbage and broccoli started. 

Create 12 New Rug Hooking Patterns and/or Kits Done! {21 out of 12 finished so far}

So far this year I’ve created TWENTY ONE new patterns/kits. Holy cow man… that’s a lot. And I’m not even close to being done. 

New Rug Hooking Patterns/Kits For 2022

Have All My 2022 Ornaments Finished by April 1st. Done!

I’m done with garden markers and ornaments for the year. Yipee!

52 Walks {We’ve gone on 12 of 52 so far}

The only walking we’ve been doing lately is walking back and forth with the wheelbarrow to the garden.

Visit 12 Towns in Maine That I Haven’t Been to Before

This past week we checked out the town of Boothbay Harbor and absolutely LOVED it!!! What a fun spot. I think the next time we have visitors, this will be one of the places we take them. 

So far we’ve visited:

How about YOU? How did you do with working towards your goals for 2022? 



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