Tuesday Tangents!

Posted by Admin on

(Top, shorts, shoes)

Good morning! Let’s start by talking about Saturday’s run.

This was the workout sandwiched with a w/u and c/d:

2 miles of – 800m @ 10k pace, 800 float (aka not easy but not too hard)
2 miles of – 400m @ 5k pace, 400 float
2 miles of – 200m @ mile pace, 200 float

Total of 15 miles @ 7:26 average.

The float pace quickly turned into a recovery jogging pace, but my coach said beforehand that was okay. My paces for the intervals weren’t that different because my legs are still in marathon mode, but I’m excited to find faster turnover with some work!

Overall, it was a tough workout for me. It included bathroom stops and frustration because it felt so hard when it was a much shorter workout than what I was doing a month or two ago. But I felt like a million bucks once I finished because that is what speed workouts do for me.

Monday’s run was a really good one:

Fresh flowers were EVERYWHERE! 8.68 miles @ 8:42 average and I finished with 4 x 30 second hill sprints. My legs burned so good.

Skye had her very last day of preschool! She has been at a nature school for the last year, and I cannot recommend the program enough. Every class day, they were out in nature (there isn’t even a building!) learning, and she thrived there. We learned how to appropriately dress her for the crazy winter we had, and this girl loved going to school where she is her happiest–> outside.

Let’s get into some tangents!

*Tis the season that I stop at gas stations for hydration until I remember to bring a water bottle on my runs… there isn’t any more snow on the grass for me to hydrate with during my runs.

*Highland Glen Park is stunning.
*Beck always gives me the biggest reaction to my new nails… “SOOOO CUTE!”
*I love them too.
*Andrew and I went for Italian at Mastra in American Fork, and the pesto lasagna had my heart.
*Just a fun spring/summer dress that I love.
*Curly is almost as tall as me now… HOW?!?
*On my run Saturday, Andrew was my personal DJ during the workout. He chose the tunes, and somehow he knew exactly what I needed. We each had a headphone in, and I want to do this more often. PS This new job of Andrew’s has turned him into a morning person… Both of us are having a hard time recognizing him. On his days off, he is up and going BEFORE me now.
*My neighbor just causally dropped this beauty off at our house the other night. My eyes filled with tears of joy.

Have any tangents to share today?

How are you hydrating during your hotter runs?

Random Q—> can you have music on or do you need silence when you are trying to read/work/focus on something?

-Silence for me and Andrew loves having music on in the background.

The post Tuesday Tangents! first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl.


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