Where You Can Stream Classic And Nostalgic Thanksgiving Specials

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Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, and for the past year, we’ve all been thankful for one thing, our television and streaming.

Our television keeps us entertained even when cooped up at home, entertains guests, helps with bonding and most of all: It’s there for you when you binge entire Netflix shows in one day. So why not spend Thanksgiving with not only family and friends but also classic holiday movies or TV shows that will prepare you for that big turkey dinner? 

“But where do I find them?” CGM has you covered for the titles and where you can watch them. So kick back, relax and chow down on some turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and delicious pumpkin pie.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

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Available on Apple TV+ 

It’s no mystery that many holidays come with a classic Charlie Brown special to capture the magic of the season, this 25 minute short is no exception. Peppermint Patty invites all of Charlie Brown’s friends to a Thanksgiving dinner and he has no idea what to do, good grief! Let’s follow Charlie and his pals to see why being thankful for your friends all year is important!

Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving

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Available for rent or purchase on YouTube

This 1999 instant classic will surely get your nostalgia for the holidays. 1 hour and 10 minutes of our Winnie the Pooh’s friends telling us three fun stories for the whole family to enjoy: GroundPiglet Day, Find Her, Keep Her and the story of the day: A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving.

Bugs Bunny’s Thanksgiving Diet and Daffy Duck’s Thanks-for-giving Special.

thanksgiving specials

Available on Prime Video 

Eh, what’s up, doc? Prepare yourself for 48 minutes of a few of your Looney Tunes favourites from these 1978 and 1980 classics. Bugs Bunny has quite a problem on his hands around Thanksgiving when he sees Yosemite Sam looking for rabbit meat. On the other hand, Daffy Duck has problems of his own as he faces issues finding a holiday that he can make revolve around him. When he can’t find one, he decides that his own “Thanks-for-giving” holiday will suffice.

Free Birds

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Available on Prime Video

This 2013 comedy film is 1 hour and 31 minutes long and follows two turkeys from very different backgrounds who go back in time to save their ancestors from the first Thanksgiving back in 1621. Although it’s not as classic as the other movies on the list, it takes place long before them.

Garfield’s Thanksgiving 

Available on YouTube

Every once in a while, our favourite cartoon cat wakes up (for about 23 minutes on this occasion) to eat lasagna and share a memory with us, sometimes both at the same time. Garfield sees a mark on the calendar saying he must go to the vet today. While taking it off, he realizes that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and demands Jon buy food for the occasion.

The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw

Available on YouTube

Another classic and familiar story is the 1980’s 30-minute-long Berenstain Bears short. All of the bears in Bear Country heard from a bird, a turtle, and a hedgehog that one of their Thanksgiving legends is true, Bigpaw! And he’s coming soon to meet every bear in town, the Berenstains can’t wait!

Curl up with your favourite people this year, and be thankful that they’re in your life. If these classic stories help you feel nostalgic for Thanksgiving, they’re sure to also bring a smile to your children. Share that magical feeling of Thanksgiving along with that beautiful smell of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!


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